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Getting Started with Modding using BepInEx


Verifying Nine Chronicles Operation (1st time)

  • Launch the Nine Chronicles launcher and player to ensure they are working correctly.
  • Close the Nine Chronicles player after confirmation. You may leave the launcher running.

Installing BepInEx 5 LTS

  • Download BepInEx 5 LTS version.
  • Extract the BepInEx zip file into the folder where Nine Chronicles player is installed.
    • e.g., C:\Users{username}\Roaming\Nine Chronicles\player\main\
  • After extraction, the BepInEx folder contains only the core folder at this point.
UntitledUntitled (1)

Verifying Nine Chronicles Operation (2nd time)

  • Check if the Nine Chronicles player operates correctly with the default BepInEx installation.
  • Close the Nine Chronicles player after confirmation.

Reviewing and Configuring the Automatically Generated BepInEx Structure

  • Review the structure inside the extracted BepInEx folder. Untitled (2)

  • Open the BepInEx.cfg file inside the config folder to modify some settings.

  HideManagerGameObject = true
  Enabled = true
  Type = Camera

Verifying Nine Chronicles Operation (3rd time)

  • After modifying the BepInEx settings, confirm that the Nine Chronicles player operates correctly.
  • Notice the difference with the BepInEx log terminal opening.
  • Close the Nine Chronicles player after confirmation.

Developing Mods

  1. Create a New dotnet Project
    • Target Framework: .NET Standard 2.1
    • Lang Version: 9.0
  2. Add Basic Dependencies
    • Location e.g., C:\Users{username}\Roaming\Nine Chronicles\player\main\NineChronicles_Data\Managed\
      • UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
      • UnityEngine.dll
      • Lib9c.dll
      • Nekoyume.dll
    • Location e.g., C:\Users{username}\Roaming\Nine Chronicles\player\main\BepInEx\core\
      • 0Harmony.dll
      • BepInEx.dll
  3. Create a Plugin
e.g., TestModPlugin.cs
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;

namespace NineChronicles.Mods.TestMod
    [BepInPlugin(ModGUID, ModName, ModVersion)]
    public class TestModPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin
        private const string ModGUID = "com.ninechronicles.mods.testmod";
        private const string ModName = "Test Mod";
        private const string ModVersion = "0.1.0";

        private static TestModPlugin Instance;

        private readonly Harmony _harmony = new Harmony(ModGUID);

        internal ManualLogSource _logger;

        private void Awake()
            if (Instance is null)
                Instance = this;

            _logger = Logger.CreateLogSource(ModGUID);
            _logger.LogInfo($"{ModName} is loaded!");

e.g., NotifyKeyboardInput.cs
using HarmonyLib;
using Nekoyume.Game;
using Nekoyume.UI;
using UnityEngine;

namespace NineChronicles.Mods.TestMod.Patches
    internal class NotifyKeyboardInput
        private static void PostfixUpdate()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    "Space key is pressed!",

Applying Mods

  1. Build the Plugin
    • e.g., TestMod.dll
  2. Copy the mod dll file to the Nine Chronicles player
    • e.g., C:\Users{username}\Roaming\Nine Chronicles\player\main\BepInEx\plugins\

Verifying Mod Operation

  • After applying the mod dll file, check if the Nine Chronicles player operates normally.
  • Confirm the mod is loaded properly in the BepInEx log terminal.
    • Loading [Test Mod 0.1.0]
    • Test Mod is loaded! Untitled (3)
  • Verify the mod operates as expected.
    • e.g., Pressing the space key triggers the 9c-unity NotificationSystem.Push() function. Untitled (4)
  • Close the Nine Chronicles player after confirmation.